EASAPS Congress Bucharest

EASAPS Congress Bucharest

Dear colleagues and friends,


EASAPS ( European Association of Societies of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) is pleased to let you know that the updated Scientific Programme for the 2017 Bucharest meeting is online now. The EASAPS meeting that will be held on the 6/7th October will be preceded by the ISAPS Symposium, held on the 5th October. Don't miss this great opportunity to visit Bucharest and join us for a very interesting meeting that will cover many areas of aesthetic plastic surgery. The Scientific programme can be seen here


One of the interesting sessions will be dedicated to the Voice of Europe papers that will see the best presentations chosen by the National Societies to represent them and a prestigious award the " Ulrich Hinderer Prize"will be given to the best overall presentation.


Regulations for paper submissions:

Free Papers and Voice of Europe: ” According to the EASAPS Guidelines, the abstracts must be written in English, no more than 250 words, and should have the following sections: 


Aim of the study (if it is a study)

Material and Methods


Disclosures in all presentations (if present also in the Abstract)


We really hope that you will be able to join us in Bucharest and take part of this exciting event, during which there will be a lot of chances to share and compare points of view and personal techniques in aesthetic plastic surgery.


Take advantage of the early bird registration fee deadline of 1st August and register now!


Best regards


Prof. Toma Mugea